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 Politics Archive 2017

Donald Trump tweets that he'll "revisit" DACA
if Congress doesn't act
by Nathan'ette Burdine: September 10, 2017

President Donald Trump has decided he can’t take all the heat coming from his decision to send Attorney General Jeff Sessions out there to tell folks that he is ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in six months.

So the 45th president of the United States has decided to take a step back. Or, as he put it on the Twitter, “Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can’t, I will revisit this issue.”

Trump’s decision to “revisit” DACA came during the same time that he made a deal with the Democrats to keep the government open.

The deal, no doubt, made Republicans madder than a whore in church on Sunday. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said the deal was “ridiculous and disgraceful” and that the Democrats “were playing politics with the debt ceiling.” His colleague in the House, Rep. Mike Simpson (R-IN), joked that Trump’s “the best deal-maker ever” because he has “got a book out.”

Trump, of course, says he’s “the best deal-maker ever,” not because he has “a book out,” but because he knows how to kick a mitch to the curb; which is what he did with the Republicans.

For the past six months, Trump’s been losing with the Republicans on hot button issues like healthcare.

And Trump sees the Democrats as a better team to align himself with. That’s why he said this about working with the Dems on DACA, “Chuck and Nancy would like to see something happen and so do I. And I said if we can get something to happen, we’re gonna sign it and we’re gonna make a lot of happy people.”

The good news for Trump is that the public wants a bi-partisan solution to the immigration problem.

According to POLITICO/Morning Consult poll , 84% of Democrats, 74% of Independents, 69% of Republicans, and 67% of Trump’s base support a comprehensive solution to fixing the immigration system.

The problem that Trump faces is the House. House Republicans have done none of the above on immigration.

When George W. Bush (W) was the president, the immigration bill passed the Democrat controlled Senate but was dead on arrival in the Republican controlled House.

The same is true for former President Barack Obama who supported the bi-partisan group, Gang of 8, which drafted the Immigration reform bill.

And just like with W., the bill passed in the Democrat controlled Senate but died on its way to the Republican controlled House.

President Trump is in the same boat as former Presidents Bush Jr., and Obama were in.

The Republicans will still be in office in 6 months, which is Trump’s deadline for Congress to do something on DACA. This means that Trump will have to “revisit” his decision to rescind DACA.

And with the way things are looking for the 2018 Mid-term election, Trump will be back at the same place W and Obama were when they tried working with Congress on Immigration reform.

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